Mustapha Kanit Rating: 5,9/10 4724 reviews

Total life earnings: $11,566,695. Latest cash: $2,133 on 06-Sep-2020. Click here to see the details of Mustapha Kanit's 124 cashes. Mustapha Kanit The 26 year old Italian-born pro shot to fame and fortune as a teenager under his online moniker ‘lasagnaaammm’. The 26 year old Italian-born pro shot to fame and fortune as a teenager under his online moniker ‘lasagnaaammm’, picking up big scores as he served his ‘apprenticeship’ which turned out to be a 5-year plan ending in one of the hottest streaks in.

  1. Mustapha Kanit Interview
  2. Mustapha Kanit Pocketfives

Mustapha Kanit lost a hand and the player who took it from him declared there was a new bully in town.

“I am not a bully,” Kanit protested, “but I like to bully bullies and I eat donkeys for breakfast”


Mustapha Kanit Interview


This prompted a quick chorus of “Wolly bully,” before Kanit declared he was raising the next pot on the new bullies big blind and he got his man to call.

The flop was and both players checked. The turn was the and the big blind bet 3,400. Kanit called and the river was the . The big blind upped the bet to 7,000.

“Are you some kind of genius?” Kanit wanted to know, “Or maybe a donkey? Somewhere in-between perhaps.”

Mustapha Kanit Pocketfives

Kanit called and his opponent tabled . Kanit had the winner with .